Please note location change: 1830 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95811.
Please join us with special guest Janice Rocco, a longtime statewide and national NOW leader and Chief of Staff to our own State Assemblymember Dave Jones. Janice will be updating us on the national healthcare reform debate from a feminist's perspective: how have women's issues been left out, included, or totally politicized?
Snacks will be provided!
A little about Janice:
Janice Rocco began her NOW activism in college. After serving as President of her campus chapter in Santa Barbara, Janice became the youngest-ever President of the Los Angeles chapter of NOW at the age of 25. Since then, Janice has continued her leadership in NOW, while also working in California's state capitol as the Chief of Staff to the Chair of the Legislative Women's Caucus and then to the Chair of the Assembly Judiciary Committee. Janice has worked on a wide range of issues including violence against women, lesbian rights, reproductive rights and the image of women in media. She brings years of organizing and public policy experience to NOW.
Janice was involved in filing the gender equity lawsuit against the California State University system which resulted in a consent degree that brought a significant increase in athletic opportunities for women. Her work to educate the public about the harm done by misogynistic song lyrics led MTV to pull a popular video and caused retailers to refuse to sell the CD without a warning label. Janice has worked on local, state and federal races to recruit, train and elect women and people of color to office. She also worked to defeat three parental notification ballots measures in California, and worked against those to end affirmative action and repeal marriage equality. As President of Los Angeles NOW, Janice was interviewed by local and national television, radio and print media, and has appeared on The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN, the Fox News channel and Entertainment Tonight. Janice is currently serving her third term on NOW's National Board and is the Southwest Regional Director.
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