Thursday, October 8, 2009

AB 119 - Send your letter now!

Below is a copy of the letter we sent urging Governor Schwarzenegger to support AB119. There are only 3 days left to send your letter. Please note that his fax number is 916-558-3160.

October 8, 2009

The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger
Governor, State of California
State Capitol, First Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Cc. First Lady Maria Shriver, State of California (Fax: 916-558-3160)
Cc. Patty Bellasalma, President , California National Organization for Women (Fax: 916-442-4765)

Re: AB 119 (Jones) - Support

Dear Governor Schwarzenegger:

The Feminist Democrats of the Sacramento Region are writing to urge you to support AB 119, which would eliminate the loophole in the law that permits gender discrimination in health insurance premiums.

Our mission as an organization is to promote the feminist principles of equality, diversity and inclusiveness. Current law allows women to be charged more than men for the same health insurance policy. To limit women’s access to health services is to penalize whole families.

This economic burden is magnified by the fact that women on average make only 78% of men’s wages and have less ability to pay expensive health care costs. This burden is even more substantial for women of color whose average wages are less. Equality in health insurance policy premiums is critical not only to ensuring women’s access to needed health care but to increased financial stability.

Among our own membership, we have the following experiences to share with you in the hopes that it portrays exactly how meaningful this legislation is:

Amber’s Story – For the past few years, I have watched my mother – a single woman in her fifties – be turned down by one insurance provider after another. The costs of the programs that are available to her are prohibitive, averaging $600/month. As a self-employed house cleaner, my mother has neither a traditional work plan nor the means to afford health insurance. Because of this she avoids visiting the doctor until things get dire. Things got dire at the worst time possible – she waited to visit the doctor until the last minute because of concerns about money, and as a consequence, missed my wedding because she was so sick with the flu. It was heart wrenching for both of us and could have been avoided if she had access to preventative healthcare, a luxury that affordable health insurance can provide.

Natalie’s Story - I am currently enrolled at California State University, Sacramento. Since I have turned 24 I have not been able to receive the health benefits I was lucky to have in my life previously. As a student I have to endure the rising cost of tuition without any health benefit incentive. Not only have I recently been injured but I also wear glasses because I am terribly nearsighted. My injury is something I deal with everyday as I have not been able to pay for a doctor to look at it and take ex-rays because a majority of my money goes towards school and books. Also, my eyesight gets worse every year and I am unable to purchase new glasses which run from $300-$400 for prescription lenses. I need my glasses to drive to school and work and also to be able to see the board to take notes in class. I am unable to have a full time job a receive benefits because I am carrying 15 units at school and only have time to work 12 hours a week at my job. I need access to healthcare to be easier and cheaper.

Women should not have to pay more than men for the same health care coverage. Please support affordable and equal health care for women by signing AB 119.


The Feminist Democrats of the Sacramento Region

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