Monday, September 21, 2009

AB119 (Jones) and AB98 (De La Torre) - Act now!

Given all the info in our last post about why it is so important that we equalize access to health insurance for women, we urge you to ask the Governor to pass AB119 and AB98.

First, some information about both bills.

Prevents HMOs and insurers from charging men and women different rates for the same health insurance policies in the individual market.

From Assemblymember Dave Jones' press release:
“If higher rates for women keep them from being able to afford health care coverage, this can mean reduced access to health care and potentially result in poorer health status and health outcomes for women. When it comes to health benefits provided directly by employers, this type of gender discrimination has been banned for over thirty years. Those seeking health insurance in the individual market should have the same protections from gender discrimination as those whose health benefits are provided by their employers,”
From the Legislative Councel's Digest:
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.
AB 98
AB 98 would require all insurance policies to provide coverage for maternity care services, including prenatal care, labor and delivery services and postpartum care. Maternity care is basic and preventive health care for women. This bill would ensure that maternity costs are spread across the pool of all individuals who purchase insurance just like costs for other basic health care.

From California Center for Research on Women & Families
Gender discrimination in health insurance pricing has been banned for more than thirty years in the provision of group health benefits provided by employers but different rules apply to the individual market where gender discrimination is still permitted. Similarly, group health plans are required to provide coverage for maternity services but insurers are free to market individual policies without maternity coverage. This creates an enormous disadvantage for women who need to purchase their own insurance.

Please call Governor Schwarzenegger before October 11th - his last day to pass or veto these bills! Call ASAP because he can also sign or veto before the 11th.

San Francisco Office: 415.703.2218
Capitol Office:(automated line) 916.445.2841

Hi my name is __________ and I live in _____________.

I am calling to ask that the Governor pass AB119 – the bill that will eliminate gender discrimination in health insurance premiums.

Current law allows women to be charged more than men for the same health insurance policy. California women aged 18-54 are paying as much as 39% more than men for identical individual health plans. Women should not have to pay more than men for the same health care coverage.

Thank you.


Excerpts from the National Women’s Law Center's facts on why women need health care reform:

In the absence of health reform, more and more women and families will lose their health insurance, with an estimated 995,200 California residents losing coverage between 2008 and 2010.

A recent study revealed that California women aged 18-54 are paying as much as 39% more than men for identical individual health plans.

Women in California Face Unfair and Discriminatory Insurance Industry Practices

1. Insurers in California are allowed to consider gender when setting premium rates in the individual health insurance market, where people buy coverage directly from insurance companies. As a result of “gender rating,” women are often charged more than men for the exact same coverage.

2. In California, insurance companies are allowed to reject a woman’s health insurance application for a variety of reasons including her medical history or her current health status.

3. Insurers in California can also exclude coverage for certain “pre-existing” conditions; if a woman has previously had a Cesarean section, for instance, insurers may refuse to pay for future C-sections or reject her application altogether.

4. In California, where nearly a third of all births were by C-section in 2006, tens of thousands of women could face coverage exclusions or rejections because of this discriminatory practice.

Women in California Have More Trouble Affording Necessary Health Care

1. Women are generally poorer than men, and in California earn just 84 cents for every dollar men earn.

2. Women also use the health care system more, in part due to their reproductive health needs.

3. Because they are poorer and use more care, women spend a greater share of their income on their health needs. Women are more likely than men to struggle with medical bills or debt, and to report cost-related problems with accessing health care.

4. For instance, 17% of women in California report not visiting a doctor due to high costs.

5. Women without coverage are especially likely to experience cost-related barriers to care. In 2007, more than one in five women in California was uninsured.

6. Even women with health insurance report problems affording health care. Unaffordable cost-sharing requirements, annual limits on covered services, or health plan limits on lifetime expenditures have a disproportionate impact on women. They are more likely than men to be underinsured, meaning they have coverage that leaves their financial and physical health at risk.

Study: Women lawmakers best men

Study: Women lawmakers best men

By: Erika Lovley
September 15, 2009 04:46 AM EST

Are women more effective lawmakers than men?

That’s the preliminary conclusion of a study conducted by researchers at Stanford University and the University of Chicago, who say that on average, women in Congress introduce more bills, attract more co-sponsors and bring home more money for their districts than their male counterparts do.

The study, which examined the performance of House members between 1984 and 2004, found that women delivered roughly 9 percent more discretionary spending for their districts than men.

For instance, during Rep. Judy Biggert’s first two-year term, Illinois’s 13th District received $382 million in federal funds, $70 million more than it received during the final term of her predecessor, Rep. Harris Fawell.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren delivered around $859 million to her district, compared with $541 million brought in by her predecessor, Rep. Don Edwards, during his final term, the researchers said.

And during then-Rep. Connie Morella’s first term, Maryland’s 8th District received $780 million, $183 million more than predecessor Rep. Michael Barnes brought in during his final term, they said.

While there are obviously variables beyond gender — seniority, party affiliation, majority/minority status and the differing priorities of a freshman and a veteran lawmaker — the researchers say they’ve accounted for those in making their male-to-female comparisons.

“You could easily make the argument that a politician who is on his way out, or someone who is sitting on a really powerful committee, is in a different position than someone just coming into office,” said Stanford researcher Sarah Anzia. “Not every example will cover every alternative explanation, but we control for all of those factors in the study.”

The researchers also found that women introduced more legislation than men who served in their same districts, often hitting the ground running in their first terms.

“We find that, on average, women sponsor about three bills more per Congress per term than their male counterparts,” said Anzia. “They co-sponsor more bills than other members, and they also obtain more co-sponsors for their own bills.”

Since 1789, women have constituted just 2 percent of the total congressional population. The ratio of female to male representatives has increased in recent years, but the pace is still fairly glacial: Nearly 17 percent of House members are women today, compared with about 3 percent in 1979.

Researchers say the small number of female members may have something to do with their effectiveness. Women who run and win are likely the most politically ambitious and talented of their pool, having potentially overcome hurdles including voter bias and self-doubt about their ability to win. Female candidates also tend to attract more challengers. Politically eligible women tend to doubt their ability to get elected and raise money more than men do, multiple studies have indicated. Large majorities of both men and women in candidate feeder pools, such as law offices and political organizations, believe there is a bias against women in elections, according to Lawless and Fox studies in 2005 and 2004.

Once women get to Capitol Hill, those hurdles may drive them to perform better, on average, than male counterparts who have faced a less contentious road.

“Research shows that even though women have similar success rates in primaries and elections as men, they are likely to face more challengers,” said Hartwick College political science department chairwoman Laurel Elder. “The results might be the same, but they might have to work harder to get those same results.”

“People ask, ‘Are you going to be strong enough? Are you going to be a fighter for us?’” said Rep. Judy Biggert, who beat five men in the initial Illinois Republican primary in 1998. “That’s always the way I’ve been treated.”

Biggert said she was told during her early days in law school at Northwestern University that she was a student by mistake — a man should have been in her seat.

“That has always given me the drive to work two, three times harder than men,” Biggert said.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a rising GOP star and female-candidate recruiter for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said it took several “taps on the shoulder” before she decided to run for office.

“Women seem to wait for someone who plants the idea and gives them confidence,” McMorris Rodgers said. “I had individuals who shared their confidence in me, and it helped erase some of the self-doubt.”

“Running for Congress is no walk in the park,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who has served in the House since 1995. “It’s a tough business, and people who do it successfully stand trial by fire.”

Lofgren entered the 1994 Democratic primary in California as the ultimate underdog against a favored male candidate, San Jose Mayor Tom McEnery. On primary night, television crews and reporters crowded her opponent’s headquarters, awaiting the presumed winner’s victory speech, while a lone photographer sat at Lofgren’s offices, waiting to snap a photo of the loser. But in an upset, Lofgren won the primary and then the election. Despite her victory, she faced additional hurdles on Capitol Hill that have continued to drive her daily work efforts. Her initial committee requests were ignored, she said, and she struggled to break through some of the old boys’ networks.

“There were some older male members who had a tough time accepting that there were women members,” said Lofgren, an immigration lawyer who now serves on the powerful House Judiciary and Homeland Security committees.

However, political science professor Jyl Josephson, director of the Rutgers Women’s Studies Program, cautions not to make too much of gender differences on the Hill — particularly among members who’ve been there for a while.

“We spend a lot time measuring gender differences rather than similarities,” Josephson said. “But there are many studies that show similarities, and they don’t get discussed nearly as much.”

Membership Meetings

The Feminist Democrats of the Sacramento Region meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month. Meetings tend to run an hour long. Please join us @ the Senator Hotel and please bring a snack to share.  Thank you!